
ECGI is accepting new research membership applications

ECGI is seeking to appoint leading research scholars as research members of the institute. ECGI operates as a global network and as such applications are welcome from all locations. The deadline for applications is 4 September 2023.
7 July 2023


好用的DNS服务器的推荐-百度经验:2021-1-26 · 好用的DNS服务器的推荐,有很多人不了解有什么好用的DNS服务器,那么今天小编就在这里给大家分享一点我的小经验,希望可伍 ...

Active Short Selling by Hedge Funds

The inaugural seminar in the ECGI Spotlight Series took place on 13 July 2023. The series was introduced by the Chair of ECGI, Professor Lucrezia Reichlin and the Executive Director, Professor Marco Becht... 

Thu 15 October 2023

ECGI Annual Members’ Meeting 2023

This event is co-sponsored by Stockholm School of Economics, the European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI) and the European Corporate Governance Research Foundation (ECGRF). It brings together senior academics and thought-leaders in business to discuss a range of important topics. 

Fri 16 October 2023 > Sat 17 October 2023

SHoF- ECGI Conference on Sustainable Finance and Corporate Governance

The Swedish House of Finance (SHoF) and the European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI) are pleased to invite interested academics and others to attend a conference on Sustainable Finance on October 16-17, 2023.



How are Bankers Paid?

Bank executive incentives and compensation have been in the spotlight since the 2007-2009 financial crisis. Some claim that there was a corporate governance failure in bankers’ compensation—the perverse risk-taking incentives spawned by the way bankers were compensated were at least partly to...

Benjamin Bennett
Radhakrishnan Gopalan
Anjan Thakor
18 February 2023

Do Short-Term Incentives Affect Long-Term Productivity?

Are US companies short-termist? Several recent papers identify actions that indicate short-termism, such as a reduction in long-term investment due to vesting equity and a reduction in R&D growth that allows firms to meet earnings forecasts. Hribar et al. (2006) and Almeida, Fos, and...

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Institutional Investors

Shareholder Stewardship in the Netherlands: The Role of Institutional Investors in a Stakeholder Oriented Jurisdiction

Nowadays, shareholder engagement is considered a key feature of corporate governance. We investigate institutional investors’ voice in the Netherlands, focusing on shareholder voting in particular. We built a new dataset of shareholder voting behaviour at general meetings of 29...

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ssr怎么设置_ssr手机使用教程_手机版ssr怎么设置:2 天前 · SSR 电脑设置科学上网教程-SSR如何使用教程 - 冬天博客 2021年7月14日 - 首先我伊启动一下“SSR”软件,不同于SS,SSR比起SS会更加稍微好用一点,并且SSR新增了一些“混淆”方式,具体是什么我也不过多,毕竟我伊只需要能使用科学...
Anne Lafarre
19 February 2023

Low-carbon Mutual Funds

Climate change is one of the key economic challenges of our time. Economists and public policy scholars increasingly agree on the merits of carbon taxes and/or tradable permits to ensure adequate pricing of carbon emissions at the international level. However, given the current practical and...

Marco Ceccarelli
Stefano Ramelli
Alexander Wagner
19 March 2023



从零开始组合SSR -- 开篇 - 知乎:很久没逛知乎,文章就更别提了。最近一直在折腾SSR,感觉不算特别复杂,但是还是有很多值得记录的点。先开个坑慢慢填,希望能对那些打算自己从头弄SSR的小伙伴有略微帮助。首先说一下标题,“从零开 …

We investigate the impact on firms of joining the S&P 500 index from 1997 to 2017. We find that the positive announcement effect on the stock price of index inclusion has disappeared and the long-run impact of index inclusion has become...Read more

Benjamin Bennett
René Stulz
Zexi Wang
30 July 2023

Personal and Organizational Higher Purpose, Corporate Governance and Shareholder Value: Survey Results

This paper reports the findings of a recent survey of 1019 individuals to learn about their commitment to and perceived value from personal and organizational higher purpose, and examines the implications of the findings for corporate governance...Read more

Stuart Bunderson
Anjan Thakor
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Common Business Group Affiliation and Media Bias

We find that newspapers connected to firms through common business group affiliation display a more positive reporting tone than unconnected newspapers. This result is robust to both a DiD approach and controlling for newspaper-firm pair fixed...Read more

Jian Xue
28 July 2023

Where Do Institutional Investors Seek Shelter when Disaster Strikes? Evidence from COVID-19

Institutional investors played a crucial role in the COVID-19 market crash. U.S. stocks with higher institutional ownership -- in particular, those held more by active, short-term, and domestic institutions -- performed worse. An analysis of...Read more

Simon Glossner
Pedro Matos
Stefano Ramelli
27 July 2023


Lucrezia Reichlin appointed as Chair of ECGI

The ECGI Board of Directors is delighted to announce the appointment of Professor Lucrezia Reichlin as the new Chair of ECGI to succeed Guy Jubb,...Read more

21 April 2023

ECGI Announces Prizes for Papers on ‘Nationalism’ and ‘Activism’

The European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI) is delighted to announce the winners of the best papers in the Working Paper Finance and Law...Read more

21 April 2023

Event Report: Global Webinar on the COVID-19 Crisis and its Aftermath

A summary report from the 24-hour Global Webinar organised by ECGI and the Global Corporate Governance Colloquia (...Read more

03 May 2023

SS节点ssr怎么使用呢?-山西SEO教程自学网:2021-12-23 · SS节点ssr怎么使用呢?ssr怎么用及科学上网设置教程。 SSR机场4K视频,畅玩外服游戏推荐专用看4k视频,畅玩外服,高速稳定 (软件在最后,小白请安心看教程再操作) 首先我伊启动一下“SSR”软件,不同于SS,SSR比起SS会更加稍微好用一点 ...

ECGI is delighted to formally announce the appointment of Professor Yupana Wiwattanakantang to the Board of Directors...Read more

19 June 2023


Code of good governance of listed companies

01 June 2023

Codigo de Gobierno Societario (2023)

19 June 2023

Principles for Responsible Institutional Investors - Japan’s Stewardship Code


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16 December 2023


Active Short Selling by Hedge Funds- ECGI Spotlight Series Episode 1

The inaugural seminar in the ECGI Spotlight Series took place on 13 July 2023. Prof. Vyacheslav Fos (Boston College) presented his paper "Active Short Selling by Hedge Funds". It was discussed by Mr. Stephen Fraidin (Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP).

22 July 2023
  • Hedge Funds

Earnings Management around Founder CEO Re-appointments and Successions in Family Firms

SMEs, Families and Capital Markets Conference (Riga): Session 4...

15 July 2023
  • Family Firms

Shareholder Illiquidity and Firm Behavior: Financial and Real Effects of the Personal Wealth Tax in Private Firms

Speaker- Janis Berzins (BI Norwegian Business School) and Discussants- Benjamin Maury (Hanken School of Economics) and Dainis Vodolagins (Head of T

Amazon AWS 的几个坑_大圣的博客-CSDN博客:2021-5-6 · 亚马逊的AWS服务,比阿里云好太多〜讲服务的文章太多了,就不多说,主机教程也是一大堆~~在这里只说说我遇到的几个“免费”坑。1.首先友情提示,选择好自己主机的地址,这对访问速度来说十分重要。如果主要面向大陆地区,选择东京和首尔都是很好的,比美国东部,西部访问国内的速度快很多。
  • Family Firms

SMEs, Families and Capital Markets, with keynote speech by EVP Dombrovskis at ECGI - SSE Riga Conference

从零开始组合SSR -- 开篇 - 知乎:很久没逛知乎,文章就更别提了。最近一直在折腾SSR,感觉不算特别复杂,但是还是有很多值得记录的点。先开个坑慢慢填,希望能对那些打算自己从头弄SSR的小伙伴有略微帮助。首先说一下标题,“从零开 …

15 July 2023
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The research work that emanates from ECGI is undertaken by leading scholars around the globe. This important network of academics is at the very core of what ECGI does, drawing on the finest minds in academia from all over the world to tackle some of the most important issues that confront business and governments today.
Real name: 
Robert Daines
Research Member
Pritzker Professor of Law and Business
Stanford Law School
Real name: 
Isil Erel
Research Member
David A. Rismiller Chair in Finance
Ohio State University
Real name: 
Research Member
ESMT Berlin
Real name: 
Claudia Custodio
Research Member
Associate Professor of Finance
Imperial College Business School


The ECGI Patron Members provide regular and long-term support for Academic Research through their contributions to the European Corporate Governance Research Foundation (ECGRF). Their philanthropic donations stimulate the production of research studies and other academic work of excellence in corporate governance.
如何挑选一家优质的SS/SSR/V2Ray/Trojan机场?关于 ...:2021-3-16 · (3)机场服务器节点很少,套餐类型更少; (4)速度测评并没有多大优势,而且特殊时期比很多机场更惨,几乎全线崩溃。 (5)中转并没有那么牛逼,别神话它,隧道和BGP中转线路面对强封锁,跟普通线路一样惨不忍睹。
United Kingdom
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Institutional Members

The Institutional Members of ECGI provide a vital connection between the academic world and the policy and practitioner aspects of corporate governance. These members recognise the importance of evidence-based research in developing their corporate governance policies and seek to continuously improve the standards of corporate governance.
BP p.l.c.
Sonae SGPS, SA
Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A.
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